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Help Needed for Katie Samson Tournament 4/26

We would like to thank everyone who came out to support CB South Lacrosse and the Katie Samson Lacrosse Festival this past Friday at the Comedy Cabaret at POCOs. Proceeds from our efforts will help cover some of the teams’ tournament registration fee. Unfortunately we did not meet our minimum goal of selling 100 tickets which would have covered the full tournament entrance fee. The total amount raised was $350. We are open to donations, holding a second comedy night; preferably when there are no scheduled games or other ideas as opposed to raising the team dues for next year.

The tournament is being held Saturday - April 26th – 9:00 Am - CB South Game vs Garnett Valley on Prevost Field

All players, parents and siblings are invited to attend. There will be a host of activities on the premise throughout the day for the whole family. The tournament organizers require each team to provide parent volunteers for the following:

1) CB South Parent Volunteers – 2 or 4 for setup and manning ticket booth between 7:15 – 8:45. Preferably 4 volunteers:

a. 2 for 7:15 to 8am

b. 2 for 8 am to 8:45

2) Game Announcer – John Sklencar

3) Assistant Field Marshal for our Game – Jack Sullivan

4) Optional Singer – National Anthem

The team would greatly appreciate it if you can let us know if you are interested in helping out for any of the above.