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Parents Association Dues


Payment in full of Parents Association Dues in the amount of $400 was due at the Pasta Dinner on March 10th. As we have discussed in various meetings leading up to this point, it takes a financial commitment to keep our program at the level we have achieved. What does the money pay for? $250 goes for Players Only Gameday Gear for all players and includes: Numbered Pinnie (already received), Short Sleeve Shirt, Hoodie, Sweatpants, Socks, and Helmet Decals. The other $150 is the Parents Association Dues. This payment provides the critical elements of the program including: Coaches’ stipends for the Fall / Winter / Spring, Team Banquet, Equipment, Practice Fields, Video Taping, Training, Team Website, and the Katie Sampson Tournament. Recognizing the potential for challenges associated with the fees, the parents association afforded each family the opportunity to sell ads for the ad book and can still sell coaches cards to offset some or all of the Parents Association Dues.

Players will not receive their player pack, being distributed this Friday, until full payment is received. If you have not made your payment yet, please contact Tom Maclin, Treasurer on his cell at 215-815-4301 or by email at maclinte2@verizon.net to make your payment as soon as possible.

To clarify any confusion in reference to refunds for ads, refunds will be made when all ads are paid in full. Players are expected to make the full Parent Association Dues payment, then will receive a refund based on the dollar amount of ads sold.

If there is any issue with making the Parent Association Dues payment, please contact an officer of the Parents Association.