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Games I will Attending for the Week of 5/1/17

Games I will Attending for the Week of 5/1/17

5/2 Tuesday 6:30pm Geisse #1 Jack and Nick Bohm

5/2 Tuesday 6:30pm Geisse #2 Gavin Englert, Chris Kovach, and Aidan Lutterman

5/4 Thursday 7:00pm ZYSA Champ Will Hobick, Josh Longmire, and Matthew Mangus

5/6 Saturday 3:30pm Dynamo #5 John Cheek

5/7 Sunday 10:00am GP EC2 Leo Badlow, Alex Byrd, Ethan Alldridge, Jaden Dazey, Alex Gomes, Jackson Iler, Will Jacob, Hector Lavergne, Daniel McFarland, Brady Metzger, Nicke Pease, Ben Rechtzigel, Ethan Rowe, and William Varner.